painting: the cure of all cures


elephant painting by desiree east. creatively fit. painting made easy. Here is the next layer of my elephant painting. You can see the beginning stages that I did at the last artwalk I participated at here: Paint Ventura 2012.

I worked on this last night, after an epic afternoon of surfing and after listening to the Presidential debates. It was kind of funny --- I came home from surfing the most beautiful waves...there were fun waves, with perfect conditions and warm water. Paddling out in the ocean always puts me in a better mood, especially after a long day. It is wonderfully healing.

Then, I came home to listen to the Presidential debates. Ugh...Don't even get me started. I always get so wound up when it comes to politics. I highly suggest not eating dinner while listening to the debates. No bueno.


After a grueling obligatory sitting through the debates, I was in a bad mood. Why is that? That's not a good sign.

I needed something to get me back to the peaceful place I was in my heart after surfing. So, I pulled out my elephant painting that I have been working on. It's homework for my Creatively Fit Coaching Certification --- week #4 from the Painting Made Easy program. Yaaay...I love art homework!

Ahhhhhhh...much better. Centered. Focus. At peace. In the moment. Painting: the cure of all cures. And a perfect way to end the day...

a gift from bali and my tiny, little studio mascot. photo by desiree east


have you ever tried painting, marathon style?


the heart of community: paint ventura 2012