Time for another digi-cleanse. You in?
I'm just finishing another round of 'Mandala Meditations: A 3-Week Painting Journey' with my painting peeps, and I always love to end our sessions together with a mini-digital-cleanse of sorts, as we complete the final layers of our paintings.
So, this week, I'm blocking out BIG BLOCKS of time out from social media and technology (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc...) to find more time to connect with my quiet mind (well, it's not so *quiet* now, which is why I'm taking this break).
As an online entrepreneur, it's SO easy to get distracted by all of the noise, and I believe it's essential to STEP-AWAY from time-to-time and look inwards for the wisdom that we occasionally seek from other people and outside sources.
And, even if YOU might not be an online entrepreneur, you might want to treat yourself to a little digi-vacy, too. Do it. I triple-dog-dare-you. You won't regret it.
Give the tele a break, fold your laptop screen down, block out big chunks of hours from checking your email or cell phone notifications, and grab a good book, write in your journal, paint a painting, go on a little hike, or play in the snow...do what you need to do to connect with your heart and soul and give it the attention it deserves.
Ready, set, GO...
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