“Silence is a source of great strength.” - Lao Tzu
going on a digital break by desiree east
So grateful. So inspired. SO overwhelmed...
I promised myself I was going to take a digital vacay over a week ago. But that never happened.
I had an opportunity I just couldn't pass up. BUT because I took that risk, many other doors opened --- and, ta da! Like magic, I have connected with some incredible folks over the last few days, finding much needed direction and guidance from a wide variety of online sources for our business ventures.
Brendon and I have been bouncing ideas off of each other, like a bunch of kids with ADHD (I blame it on the coffee) --- but really, I blame it on spending a wee-bit too much time on the computer. (You know exactly what I'm talking about, when you have like, fifty tabs open on your browser, and you ask yourself, "What the...??? How did that happen?")
I seriously can't think anymore.
So, I'm going off the grid for a few days, to quiet my mind, center myself, zen-out, and re-FOCUS: Grasshoppa style.
Feel free to join me...a digital cleanse for the soul. Unplug. Unwind. Just be.
Peace and love --- and I promise I'll be back with more goodness to share! xo-desi