Creative Rituals TV: Why Is Everyone Obsessed with Creativity?

Hello Creative Soul,

I just wanted to pop in and send a little happiness your way. Creative happiness, that is. It's funny, you look around the internet these days and EVERYONE is obsessed with doing all the creative things. "Why?", you ask?

Because, simply put, it makes us HAPPY. Who doesn't crave happiness in their lives? It's a human, emotional need and birthright, and it's (figuratively and literally) right at your fingertips. So if you're feeling down and need a little pick-me-up, grab your favorite pens, crayons, paint brushes, or your favorite instrument and CREATE.

Studies have shown that there is a direct connection to creativity and happiness, specifically to the hormone dopamine, the 'happy' hormone. Dopamine boosts your mental health and well-being, and creative activities can ease anxiety and bring a sense of contentment and peace to your heart.

As a creative being, I have a feeling that you already knew this, but I just wanted to drop a lil' love note your way and give you permission to PLAY. Create and play all day!! (Can you tell? My sparkling little 4 year-old has been rubbing off on me, ha!). 

So whether it's doodling rainbows, baking chocolate chip cookies, strumming the guitar or dancing like EVERYBODY'S watching, I hope that you've been taking the time out to create happy in your life!! I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to in the comments below. xoxo

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