a million little pictures...


http://snapshotsbydes.smugmug.com/Photography/a-million-little-pics/18055943_k9rsr2#1384592619_RQrKxcsmy creative process for 'a million little pictures' project was quite simple: i'd take my daily walk on the beach. perhaps i'd find a heart pebble or beach glass. or maybe not. if i did happen to stumble upon one, i took a snapshot. with my nifty cardboard film camera, of course. then i developed the film and shipped the prints off to the brooklyn art library in new york. that's it. 20 out of 27 images came out. not perfect, but not bad for old-school candid shots. and besides, blurry or not, you can't put a price on those perfect (million) little moments that are frozen in time. (right?)

a million little pictures by desiree east

a million little pictures. by desiree east

a million little pictures. by desiree east

IN A NUTSHELL: 'A Million Little Pictures' is a community-supported exhibition of snapshots captured around the world. Participants chose a theme and interpreted it via a single roll of film. The exhibition weaves the resulting photographs in an unbroken patchwork of images, covering the walls of the Photomobile — a traveling gallery-on-wheels. The Photomobile will be travelling from coast to coast and temporarily constructed in five cities in the fall of 2011: Toronto, San Francisco, Denver, Atlanta and Brooklyn.......Sweeetness!


and now, for a brief intermission...


my fave big sur shot