women's creativity circle - ventura - california - mandala meditations by the sea with artist - creativity coach desiree east

Hello Creative Soul,

I was just talking to my mom about how different times were when we grew up as children. Before computers, the internet, and smart phones, life was simple...I mean, how did we ever survive without technology? 

As a work-at-home mama in the modern age, I loooove technology. Life is much easier, efficient, and we are easily entertained and informed of ALL the things. Being virtually connected to our loved ones, friends, colleagues and the entire world has never been so easy.

All good things.

However, there are times when your mind needs a break from the noise. When your soul needs peace and quiet. When you crave in-person connection with real-life humans. When warm hugs trumps 'likes'. And meaningful conversations with family and friends invite more love and bliss into our lives.

Here's my invitation to momentarily step away from technology and our busy lives AND connect in-person on the coast of California:

I've partnered with some our favorite group of local yogis at the YOGA by the SEA community to offer Mandala Meditations by the SEA, so if you're in town, I'd LOVE to see you. We'll gather in circle every LAST SUNDAY of the month on the beach at sunset for creative meditation, connection, and community and it's all donation based: 

Please CLICK HERE for more deets

If for some reason you won't be in my neck of the woods, I encourage you to give yourself the gift of connection...gather some sister friends or find a local women's group to connect with in person. It's far too easy to be 'dis-connected' even with being magically connected through the advancement of technology. Moderation, balance, and a lil' digi-break is always good for the soul (even if it's just for a couple of hours).

I hope this finds you well and you find little moments of peace and time to connect with your loved ones and the rhythms of Mother Nature. xoxo

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Creative Rituals TV: Mixed Media Painting Tutorial - Using Acrylic Medium


Creative Rituals TV: Abstract Ocean Art Painting Tutorial w/Acrylics