my fave big sur shot

my fave big sur shot. by desiree east just got back from a little trip up the coast, and spent the summer solstice in complete quiet bliss. this photo was actually hanging on our fridge door. i forget what year this is from...but it's one of my favorites. hence, it's qualification for being refrigerator-door-worthy. hopefully i can make some time this summer to do some post-editing and upload more big sur pics - and archives of endless photos - to my portfolio. digital, film, lomo fish-eye...oh, and a million little pictures project. it's a grueling task, editing and organizing, but i love to reminisce (isn't that what it's all about?) also, a note to family and friends: please remind me if i need to send you a private link to any past events, because - like brendon said - i am as slow as molasses. stay tuned...xo


a million little pictures...


solid surf for the soul...