Desiree East Studios

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Creative Rituals TV: ILLUMINATE Full Moon Time Lapse Painting w/Acrylics

Happy Full Moon Blessings, Dear Creative Soul!

Sooooo, let’s see, we’re currently three-hundred thousand days into COVID…am I correct? I’m not sure about you, but my mind has certainly turned into mush, and my family and I have finally fallen into this new, weird rhythm of accepting uncertainty, mixed with flickering moments of hope. And impromptu living room dance parties….robot dances and twerking, yes, the few things that keep my sanity in check.

So many emotions, though. The news, the social media, the updates. The theories. The politics. The scientists. The victims. The families. The freedom fighters. So many things.

We all want things to just go back to normal. And also have to accept this as the ‘new normal’.

And then I go back to the one thing that matters the most in my life right now: My baby girl.

And then I try to look at the world through her eyes.

And then, the mother in me sees what needs to be done.

And then, so I PLAY…play, play, play.

And then, I see the pure joy in her eyes.

Her heart is happy. My heart is happy.

And our world has instantly transformed.

If there was one thing I’ve learned through all of this, it’s this: take that tiny bit of extra effort (and I understand on some days it takes a lot of effort) to seek that spark of hope, love, and inspiration.

Listen to you favorite music. NOW.

Plug into an inspirational podcast. NOW.

Watch a movie filled with hope, laughter, and the good kind of tears. NOW.

Get outside, let your feet kiss Mother Earth and let the sunshine blanket you with warmth. NOW.

And of course, connect, connect, connect…and create, create, create. NOW.

NOW is the time to create your art. To transform your emotions into something positive and productive. To tune into the rhythm of your intuitive heart. To give yourself permission to heal. NOW.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I hope that you give yourself the gift of connecting with the energies of Grandmother FULL MOON and connect to this beautiful source that always lights our way in times of darkness.

Remember, there is always LIGHT.

Sending tons of love and healing vibes your way,
