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How to Tap Into Your Intuition For Profitability with Yu-Fen

One of the more popular topics  that come up around this time of year revolves around money, "How can I manifest more money in my life?" Because, we all know, it's all about the money, honey!!

Please meet Yu-Fen, Financial Business Advisor and Money Abundance Coach. She talks about how meditation helped heal her chronic disease, eventually leading her to the path of tapping into her intuition to create abundance. You might be delighted to learn that Yu-Fen is also a ceramic artist!!

Some people think that intuitive people are special, when actually they’re just more sensitive about themselves and the things around them. The truth is: all of us are naturally born with intuition; we just need to be willing to tap into it.

I’ve been sensitive since I was a little girl, yet it wasn’t until about three years ago that I realized I could tap into my own intuition and use it to make important decisions in my life.

In 2007, I was diagnosed with a chronic disease, and started practicing meditation once a day, which helped to increase my intuition. Two years ago, when my financial career was at its peak and I was working harder and harder to meet all my deadlines and reach all my goals­­­­­­­­­­­ - my body crashed. That’s when I decided to resign from my high-paying financial job, without knowing what I was going to do for a living.

After submitting my resignation letter, I used my intuition to ask the universe what my future life’s work might look like. Just two weeks later, I received an answer: money coach. I’d never heard of this term before. Yet, because I trusted my intuition, I followed the message, and have discovered that the path of money healing work is my life’s true mission.

Confession: at the end of my first year as a money coach - after trying to follow all of my gurus’ advice about how to create online marketing, how to write my materials, and how to promote my services here in the United States - I felt lost, and had made no money. So, I gave the business up and leaned into my skills as a professional potter to create pottery for the holiday season.

Interestingly, though, throughout my first year as a money coach I kept having a vision of bringing the business back to my country of origin: Taiwan. Even as I was creating pottery for the holidays, this voice inside kept talking to me until finally, I listened.

In 2012, I translated all of my materials into Chinese and contacted the spiritual centers in Taiwan. Nobody responded, but I didn’t give up. Trusting my intuition, I started hosting free webinars to promote my money healing work in Taiwan.

To my delight, in the beginning of this year I received an email from one of the spiritual centers in Taiwan, inviting me teaching two workshops at their center. At the same time, I was slowly but steadily beginning to attract Taiwanese students for my private online money healing program.

Then, in the fall, I was suddenly feeling stuck about a few money issues relating to my business model. As a business financial consultant, I knew I couldn’t get enough one-on-one clients to make my services viable. At the same time, I was also encountering some cultured issues with my Taiwanese students, who didn’t feel comfortable revealing their money issues with others in an online course.

Again, I decided to meditate on these issues, and to ask the universe to show me how I could change my business model. The message I received was to create a coaching program that worked as an email group. This way, although all the students in the group could use the same materials I’d created, I’d be able to conduct one-on-one coaching sessions by email so that my students didn’t need to reveal their money problems in front of others.

That was an “aha” moment for me! After I made this decision, I was able to recruit 13 students in 25 days without much effort at all.  Now, they are all in the process of working this program - and are loving it!

I’m continually amazed at the clarity and solutions that come from simply using my intuition. It is the key that has helped bring my business to a new level this year. I’m now scheduled to teach even more workshops in different spiritual centers in Taiwan next year that will potentially bring me three times more income than I earned this year.

Want to know how to tap into your own intuition for profitability? Here are a few tips:

Step out of the scarcity zone:  It’s important for you to heal all of your fears and worries around money before you can tap into your intuition.  Right now I’m coaching an American entrepreneur who tripled her business income in just four weeks after she healed her money wounds with me.

Raise your energy vibration: When your energy is stuck or low, everything you do feels harder. If you want to bring more money into your life, you need to check on your energy vibration ALL THE TIME!

Listen to messages: The universe always listens to your requests, and in return, you need to listen carefully to the messages that it provides. When you quiet your mind, you’ll be better able to listen to the messages and receive more clarity.

Whenever you allow yourself to open your mind and use your intuition in your daily life, you will reach your goals almost effortlessly, because you’ll be going with the flow! That is my true experience!

Yu-Fen money and abundance coach


Yu-Fen is the founder and intuitive money healing coach of Money Wisdom Empowerment. She uses her money wisdom to empower women entrepreneurs by correcting and curing the symptoms and causes of their patterns of behavior around money. She also teaches them how to build a profitable business model for their businesses and to manage their personal finances – allowing them to do what they love and to help other people and the world. You can visit her website at